7  SEO MISTAKES in 2022

what are the 7 common SEO mistakes people usually do..?

Not Setting up a Proper SEO Goals. The Biggest Mistake ever.

1st Mistake

Ignoring the Search Intent, which Impacts SERP results..

2nd Mistake

Overlooking for Mobile Traffic.

3rd Mistake

Holding onto Old School SEO best Practices, The strategies that were working well 10 years ago are no longer effective

4th Mistake

Buying backlinks, If you’re buying links to boost your website rankings, you might end up with a penalty from Google

5th Mistake

Forgetting about content formats other than text, There are other content formats (think videos, infographics, podcasts, webinars, and images) that you can use to rank on Google and drive organic traffic to your website.

6th Mistake

Ignoring branded SEO & EAT SEO is not just about ranking higher on Google. It’s also about building a trustworthy brand.

7th Mistake